Public Notices

(French documents)


PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of entry into force of a Regulation - By-law number 307-2023

PUBLIC NOTICE - Financial Report and Auditor's Report

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public Call for Tenders - Rehabilitation of Holmes Road 

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of entry into force of a Regulation - By-law number 308-2023

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of consultation to persons and organizations wishing to comment on draft By-law number 307-2023 entitled: Regulation relating to the demolition of buildings

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of entry into force of a Regulation - By-law number 306-2022

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of entry into force of a Regulation By-law number 303-2022


PUBLIC NOTICE - Approval by referendum - By-law number 303-2022, amending the zoning by-law to modify several elements related to uses, buildong height in zone U-5 and the integrated project in zone U-8

PUBLIC NOTICE - Extraordinary meeting for the adoption of Budget 2023 and the three-year Capital program 2023-2024-2025

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of consultation persons and organization wishing to express their views on the second draft regulation N 303-2022 entitled: By-law number 303-2022, amending the zoning by-law to modify several elements related to uses, building height in zone U-5 and the integrated project in zone U-8

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of entry into force of a Regulation By-law number 305-2022

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of entry into force of a Regulation By-law number 304-2022

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of entry into force of a Regulation By-law number 302-2022

PUBLIC NOTICE - Calendar of 2023 council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE -  Entry into force of By-law number 301-2022 the Regulation amending the Regulation respecting permits and certificats number 228-2012 to amend the documents required for an application for a building, alteration or expansion permit

PUBLIC NOTICE - Extraordinary meeting of August 22, 2022 

PUBLIC NOTICE - Entry into force of By-law number 300-2022 on Fire Prevention

PUBLIC NOTICE - Entry into force of By-law number 299-2022, amending By-law 236-2012, Code of ethics and professionnal conduct for employees of the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE - Modification of the calendar of the 2022 Municipal council meetings 

PUBLIC NOTICE - Call for tenders for the maintenance ans snow removal of winter raods for 2022-2023, 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 seasons for circuit 2

PUBLIC NOTICE - Call for tenders for the maintenance and snow removal of winter roads for 2022-2023, 2023-2024 ans 2024-2025 seasons for circuit 1

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 299-2022, amending By-law 236-2012, Code of ethics and professionnal conduct for employees of the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE - Financial Report and Auditor's Report

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 298-2022 enacting the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of Elected Officials of the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 298-2022 enacting the Code of Ethics and Professionnal Conduct of Elected Officials of the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 297-2021 fixing the taxation and pricing for the financial year 2022


PUBLIC NOTICE - Extraordinary meeting for the adoption of Budget 2022 and the three-year Capital programm 2022-2023-2024

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of the result of the election

PUBLIC NOTICE - Regarding the Property Assessment Roll of the Barnston-Ouest Municipality

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of election

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 296-2021 amending the Regulation respecting permits and certificates number 228-2012 to amend the documents required for an application for a septic installation permit and to amend the tarif for all permits and certificates

PUBLIC NOTICE - By law number 2095-2021 Amending the Contract Management By-law

PUBLIC NOTICE - Request for minor exemption 2021-002-Déro

PUBLIC NOTICE - Request for minor exemption 2021-001-Déro

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 294-2021 increasing working capital to one and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000)

PUBLIC NOTICE - Modification of the calendar of the 2021 Municipal council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE - Filing of the Financial Report and Auditor's Report

PUBLIC NOTICE - Modification of the calendar of the 2021 Municipal council meetings


PUBLIC NOTICE - Modification of the Property Assessment Roll

PUBLIC NOTICE - Extraordinary meeting for the adoption of Budget 2021 and the three-year Capital programm 2021-2022-2023

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 292-2020 repealing various documents of the Municipality and authorizing people to issue statements of offence

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 291-2020 concerning security, peace and order in public places and repealing previous regulations

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 290-2020 relating to the alarm system and repealing the previous regulations

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 289-2020 concerning animals and repealing the previous regulations

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 288-2020 concerning nuisances and repealing previous by-laws

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 287-2020 relating to parking and repealing the previous by-laws

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 286-2020 relating to traffic and repealing the previous regulations

PUBLIC NOTICE - Calendar of 2021 council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE - Regarding the Property Assessment Roll of the Barnston-Ouest Municipality

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law No. 285-2020 concerning the speed limit on Madore Road

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public meeting of the municipal council

PUBLIC NOTICE - Modification of the calendar of the 2020 Municipal council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE - Request for minor exemption 2020-02-Déro

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 284-2020 designating the person responsible for awarding contracts and receiving the review of complaints concerning the public tendering process and notice of intent for the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 283-2020 delegating the power to form a Selection Committee and appoint its members for the award of contracts under the provisions of the Quebec Municipal Code

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 282-2020 decreeing the rules for budgetary control and monitoring

PUBLIC NOTICE - Filing of the Financial Report and Auditor's Report

PUBLIC NOTICE - Request for minor exemption 2020-02-Déro

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of a Regulation coming into force By-law No. 280-2019 entitled: "By-law Decreeing a Maximum Expenditure of $430,000 and a $280,000 loan for the construction of a Municipal office

PUBLIC NOTICE - Request for minor exemption

PUBLIC NOTICE - 2020 tax roll

PUBLIC NOTICE - Call for tenders Constrcution of a Municipal office for the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 281-2019 fixing the taxation and pricing for the financial year 2020


PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of Entry Into Force By-law No. 278-2019, entitled: By-law amending the Conditional Use By-law No.231(2012) to ensure compliance with the amended zoning By-law

PUBLIC NOTICE - Extraordinary meeting for the adoption of Budget 2020 and the three-year Capital program 2020-2021-2022

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice addressed to all those qualified to vote in the Municipality - By-law No. 280-2019 - Registration procedure for persones qualified to vote

PUBLIC NOTICE - Calendar of 2020 council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of a Regulation coming into force By-law No. 277-2019, entitled: “By-law amending Site Planning and Architectural Integration Plan By-law No. 221(2011) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the Coaticook MRC and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of a Regulation coming into force By-law No. 276-2019, entitled: “By-law amending Conditions for the Issuance of Building Permits By-law No. 229(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the MRC Coaticook and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of a Regulation coming into force By-law No. 275-2019, entitled: “By-law amending Building By-law No. 227(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the MRC Coaticook and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of a Regulation coming into force By-law No. 274-2019, entitled: “By-law amending Subdivision By-law No. 226(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the MRC Coaticook and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of a Regulation coming into force By-law No. 273-2019 entitled: “By-law amending Zoning By-law No. 225(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the MRC Coaticook and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Summary of By-law No. 272-2019, entitled: “By-law amending Urban Plan By-law No. 224(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the MRC Coaticook

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of a Regulation coming into force By-law No. 274-2019, entitled: “By-law amending Subdivision By-law No. 226(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the MRC Coaticook and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public Notice of Consultation to Persons Entitled to Sign an Application for Vote in a Referendum on The Second Draft By-law No. 278-2019 entitled: "By-law amending the Conditional Use By-Law No. 231(2012) to ensure compliance with the amended zoning by-law"

PUBLIC NOTICE - Regarding the Property Assessment Roll of the Barnston-Ouest Municipality

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice of consultation to individuals and organizations wishing to speak on draft By-law No. 278-2019 entitled: “By-law amending the Conditional Use By-law No. 231(2012) to ensure concordance with the amended Zoning By-law”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice to individuals qualified to vote in the Municipality regarding the review of compliance with ¨By-law 277-2019 amending the Regulations on Implementation and Architectural Integration Plans 221(2011)¨ to the Municipality's amended Urban Plan

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice to individuals qualified to vote in the Municipality regarding the review of compliance with ¨By-law 276-2019 amending the Building Permit Conditions By-law 229(2012)¨to the Municipality's amended Urban Plan

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice to individuals qualified to vote in the Municipality regarding the review of compliance with ¨Regulation 275-2019 amending Building By-law 227(2012)¨ to the Municipality's amended Urban Plan

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice to individuals qualified to vote in the Municipality regarding the review of compliance with ¨By-law 274-2019 amending subdivision by-law 226(2012)¨ to the Municipality's amended Urban Plan

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public notice to individuals qualified to vote in the Municipality regarding the review of compliance with ¨ By-law 273-2019 amending zoning By-law 225(2012)¨ to the Municipality's amended Urban Plan

PUBLIC NOTICE - Request for minor exemption

PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-law No. 279-2019 repealing the By-law on Comprehensive Development Plans No. 232 (2012)

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public Notice of Consultation to individuals entitled to sign an Application to Participate in a Referendum on the Second Draft By-law No. 274-2019 entitled: “By-law amending Subdivision By-law No. 226(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the Coaticook MRC and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Public Notice of Consultation to individuals entitled to sign an Application to Participate in a Referendum on the Second Draft By-law No. 273-2019 entitled: “By-law amending Zoning By-law No. 225(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the Coaticook MRC and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-law No. 271-2019 repealing By-law No. 188 Policy regarding Respect for the Physical and Psychological Integrity of the Person in the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE - of consultation to individuals and organizations wishing to speak on draft By-law No. 278-2019 entitled: “By-law amending the Conditional Use By-law No. 231(2012) to ensure concordance with the amended Zoning By-law.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - of consultation to individuals and organizations wishing to speak on the draft By-law No. 277-2019 entitled: “By-law amending Site Planning and Architectural Integration Plan By-law No. 221(2011) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the Coaticook MRC and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - of consultation to individuals and organizations wishing to speak on the draft By-law No. 276-2019 entitled: “By-law amending Conditions for the Issuance of Building Permits By-law No. 229(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the Coaticook MRC and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - of consultation to individuals and organizations wishing to speak on the draft By-law No. 275-2019 entitled: “By-law amending Building By-law No. 227(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the Coaticook MRC and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - of consultation to individuals and organizations wishing to speak on the draft By-law No. 274-2019 entitled: “By-law amending Subdivision By-law No. 226(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the Coaticook MRC and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - of consultation to individuals and organizations wishing to speak on the draft By-law No. 273-2019 entitled: “By-law amending Zoning By-law No. 225(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the Coaticook MRC and other amendments.”

PUBLIC NOTICE - of consultation to individuals and organizations wishing to speak on the draft By-law No. 272-2019 entitled: “By-law amending Urban Plan By-law No. 224(2012) to ensure concordance with the Schéma d’aménagement et de développement durable (SADD) 6-25 (Development and Sustainable Development Plan) of the Coaticook MRC and summary of the draft By-law.”»

PUBLIC NOTICE - Call for tenders for maintenance and snow removal of winter roads – Circuit 2: 2019-2020, 2020-2021 et 2021-2022 seasons

PUBLIC NOTICE - Call for tenders for maintenance and snow removal of winter roads –Circuit 1: 2019-2020, 2020-2021 et 2021-2022 seasons

PUBLIC NOTICE - Filing of the Financial Report and Auditor’s Report

PUBLIC NOTICE - RIGDSC – Loan By-law number 2019-001

PUBLIC NOTICE - Filing of the 2018 financial report

PUBLIC NOTICE – 2019 tax roll

PUBLIC NOTICE – By-law number 270-2018 concerning security, peace and order in public places repealing previous By-laws

PUBLIC NOTICE – By-law number 269-2018 on the terms and conditions of the PUBLIC NOTICES of the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE – By-law number 268-2018 fixing the remuneration of elected officials for the financial year 2019 and the following years

PUBLIC NOTICE – By-law number 267-2018 fixing the taxation and pricing for the financial year 2019



PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 268-2018 fixing the remuneration of elected officials for the financial year 2019 and the following years

PUBLIC NOTICE - Calendar of 2019 council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE - Extraordinary meeting for the adoption of Budget 2019 and the three-year Capital program 2019-2020-2021

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 266-2018 on the Employee Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest - Adoption

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law No. 266-2018 on the Code of Ethics and Conduct of Employees of the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 265-2018 concerning the speed limit on Lyon Road

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 264-2018 concerning the imposition of a residual right in the case of transfers of immovable property exempt from transfer duties

PUBLIC NOTICE - Calendar of 2019 council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE – Modification – Regular council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE – Adoption of the 2017 financial report

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law number 263-2018 fixing the remuneration of elected officials for the financial year 2018 and the following years

PUBLIC NOTICE – tax roll – Municipal taxation 2018

PUBLIC NOTICE - By-law fixing the remuneration of elected officials for the financial year 2018 and the following years

PUBLIC NOTICE – By-law number 262-2017 on the Employee Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE – By-law number 259-2017 amending Zoning By-law number 225-2012 to authorize the application of FRs in the zones “A,” “Ar,” “F,” “Fr,” “R,” and “Rr”

PUBLIC NOTICE - Adoption of By-law No. 261-2017 fixing taxation and pricing for the financial year 2018


PUBLIC NOTICE – By-law number 262-2017 on the Employee Code of Ethics and Conduct of the Municipality of Barnston-Ouest

PUBLIC NOTICE – Extraordinary meeting for the adoption of Budget 2018 and the three-year Capital program 2018-2019-2020

PUBLIC NOTICE – Modification to the calendar of the 2018 Municipal council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE – Calendar of 2018 council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE – Modification to the calendar of the 2017 Municipal council meetings

PUBLIC NOTICE – Public election notice

PUBLIC NOTICE – Triennial roll of property assessment

PUBLIC NOTICE – Public Consultation Meeting – Proposed By-law number 259-2017 amending Zoning By-law number 225-2012

PUBLIC NOTICE – Request for minor derogation 2017-04

PUBLIC NOTICE – Adoption of the 2016 financial statements

PUBLIC NOTICE – Request for minor derogation 2017-03

PUBLIC NOTICE – Request for minor derogation 2017-02